Weebly to WordPress compass guide

Weebly to WordPress

Weebly to WordPress logos

Considering a move from Weebly to WordPress?

We are here to help you get a WordPress website that you can update and manage on your own.

Move to WordPress, redesign and overhaul the website.

Move to WordPress but keep the current design without redesign or changes.

Move to WordPress and redesign with very few changes.

weebly page setup with placeholder texts and images

WordPress is superior to Weebly… Yes, we know!

There is no doubt that given all indices, WordPress is a much better website builder in comparison with Weebly. Until recently, the one advantage that Weebly had over WordPress was its (Weebly’s) ease of use. But that advantage has been made obsolete by the new WordPress blocks editor builder.

While Weebly has not made any significant update in years, WordPress has been making lots of updates and one such update is the introduction of “Blocks editor” which is similar to the Weebly drag and drop editor but 10x more flexible.

In doubt? See below video that compares the Weebly builder and WordPress builder.

Enjoy the easy builder of Weebly + the effectiveness of WordPress

The most exciting part of all these is that our users get to have their website on WordPress which is 100x more effective but they continue to enjoy the easy to use nature of Weebly.

We are one of the very few agencies that provide this remarkable WordPress solution.

Your Weebly website will not be offline while we are working on the WordPress version.

You can continue to edit/update your Weebly website uninterrupted while the WordPress version is being built.

Your domain doesn’t have to be transferred or moved unless you wish to.

You will be able to update and manage the WordPress website on your own.

We shall provide you with “how to” videos to get you familiar with the WordPress website until you know your way around.

We will become your “website guy”, the people you refer to every time you have a question or need assistance with your website.

This video compares the editing options of Weebly with that of WordPress.

Which is easier to use? Are there similarities? Let’s find out!

Isn’t WordPress too difficult to use when compared to Weebly?

The usual comments we receive from people when discussing about using WordPress for their website is usually along the lines of… “I know that WordPress is better. I tried using WordPress in the past but found it harder to use compared to Weebly”.

Years ago, our response to these comments where usually along the lines of “Sure! Let’s go with Weebly“.

That response was appropriate years ago. Giving the same response today would be considered very reckless and a disservice because WordPress today is a much different builder from WordPress of years ago.

If you can drag and drop, if you can click to edit, if you can use Weebly, then you can use WordPress.

Why Weebly to WordPress? Why not to another website builder?

If you already have a Weebly website that you wish to move or recreate outside Weebly, why would you go for an inferior website builder when there is WordPress, a website builder superior to others.

From our experience, moving to any other website building other than WordPress is simply delaying the process because you will eventually move to there.

The question for you then is, how much money and time do you wish to spend elsewhere before you eventually turn to WordPress?

Why do I need you for this service?

Because we have used both platforms for more than a decade.

But more importantly, we know just how “easy to use” Weebly is and we understand why you would want to have such experience replicated for you in an environment where you will get most value from your website.

Can you really make WordPress as easy for me to use?

Absolutely! Our Weebly to WordPress service is all about building an effective WordPress website with an extremely easy to use building, similar to the Weebly builder.

Ability to drag and drop content elements, click to edit, click to add, click to remove, etc. all without needing to learn any special skills.

How much ownership or access will I have over the website?

You will have 100% ownership and access. We encourage our clients to create an hosting account using their own details so that they (clients) have 100% ownership and control of over their websites and associated services.

With the ownership belonging to the client, we are given designer access to design, build and maintain the website.

What happens to my domain and custom emails

Your domain doesn’t have to be transferred or moved. Your domain, emails and other services associated with your domain will not be affected.

You can continue to host/manage those services from its current host, and we are still able to use your domain for the WordPress website without having to move or transfer it anywhere else.

Another great news is that it’s very likely that your domain host also offers WordPress hosting which means we can build your WordPress website within the same environment as your domain services.

How do we build the WordPress website without affecting my Weebly website?

It has already been pointed out that your Weebly website will not be affected, altered or taken offline during the entire process of building the WordPress version.

Since are creating a separate website via WordPress, we are able to work on that website independent of your Weebly website. We can build the WordPress version using a temporary domain (or sub-domain).

When the WordPress version is ready to replace the Weebly version, we simply switch your primary domain from the Weebly website to the WordPress website to publish and make it public.

What happens to my Weebly website afterwards?

It’s completely up to you! You can go ahead to un-publish that Weebly website to keep it offline and only available/accessible to you, you can choose to delete the website or your Weebly account, you can choose to cancel your Weebly subscription, etc.

Once the WordPress website is online and using the domain which was used by the Weebly website, you might not have much need for the Weebly version anymore. But you will still have access to the Weebly website. What you choose to do with the site is up to you.

Is it true that WordPress is better for SEO compared to Weebly?

Yes, 100x better.

Transitioning over to WordPress, will you show me how to use WordPress?

Definitely! We understand that however easy we make the WordPress editor for you, you might still need a little time to get familiar with the new builder.

Our job is to make that “little time” much shorter for you by giving you the guidance to edit, update, and manage the website easily on your own.

What if I need you to manage the website for me?

Not a problem! We shall discuss such service with you. We are happy to stay on and update/manage the website for you.

Will Weebly be available after July, 2025?

Only Weebly can answer that question. If you are concerned about Weebly, you are not alone. There has been concern from Weebly users for months, if not years about the future of Weebly, especially when considering the fact that Weebly hasn’t made any meaningful update for years which is very unusual for a platform that was once very dynamic and making updates in almost monthly basis.

These has led many people (including tech experts, bloggers and analysts) to conclude that Weebly is nearing its end and showing signs of a software/program being phased-out.

Those concerns/comments became more worrisome since this cryptic update from Weebly which appears to inform its users that it could only commit to support/services through at least July, 2025. What happens after that, we don’t know yet.

This information has left a number of users (including us) wondering what will happen after July, 2025. One thing is clear however:

  • If you have an important website you, you might not want to wait to find out its faith
  • If you ever considered a move from Weebly, this is a reason/chance effect that move.

We are in the process of consulting with our clients to allocate adequate time/schedule ahead of time to moving and rebuilding their website as they might not want to wait to see their website to go offline before rushing to take action.

I need a WordPress website but I’m not coming from Weebly, will you help?

Yes, we will!