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How to un-publish or deactivate a Weebly website

Un-publish or Deactivate A Weebly Website

By un-publishing a Weebly website we mean deactivating the website so that it is no longer online which means can no longer be viewed.

There are a number of reasons you might want to un-publish your Weebly website, it could be because:

  • you published it by mistake (before you are ready to take the website public),
  • you are temporarily deactivating it,
  • you finished a new website and want that domain pointed to that new website,
  • some changes in your business that requires a rethink of the website, etc.

Whatever your reason is and for the purpose of this article, we are going to work you through how you can easily un-publish (or deactivate) your Weebly website without resorting to deleting it.


How To Avoid Publishing Weebly Website By Mistake

How To Deactivate or Un-publish A Weebly Website

STEP 1: Go into your Weebly website editor as if to edit the website,

STEP 2: Click Settings (screenshot 1),

STEP 3: Scroll all the way down the settings page to bottom where it says Un-publish and click the the Un-publish button (screenshot 2).

STEP 4: Exit the website editor.

Weebly website editor showing the settings tab
Screenshot 1
Weebly website showing website un-publish or deactivation button
Screenshot 2

Redirect Old Weebly Pages To New Ones