What is involved in migrating Weebly website?
The migration process is done in stages. Below are typical steps involved in migrating a Weebly website to another platform.
Service request
Submit our interactive questionnaire to provide some details about your current Weebly website and what you are looking to achieve with moving the website to another platform.
We shall review your submission and respond with a detailed message that addresses your submission, provides plan for your website, recent work samples, cost and estimated completion date.
Service discussion
A detailed discussion to understand your intentions, answer your questions and provide you will all the details you need to make an informed decision.
Discussions can be done via email messaging (most popular) or we can schedule a call at your convenience via Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft teams.
Discussions also covers what you like about the current/old Weebly website; what areas or features you wish to have moved into the new website; what you wish to eliminate, and so on…
Service agreement (optional)
This is an optional step but available if requested. We have project terms and agreement which can be digitally signed by both parties (you as the client and us as the contractor) prior to starting the project.
The agreement details and outlines:
- Contractor and Client Information
- Contract Definitions
- Project Scope
- Project Approach
- Project Phases
- Cost And Time frame
- Responsibilities
- Affirmation And Signature
Website access
We shall request a limited access to the account or to the website editor to allow us do our work.
These access types can be: admin access, designer access, delegate access, or collaborator, etc. Different platforms have different terminologies for access types.
The important thing to note is that you will have 100% ownership and control over the account and its website(s). Whatever access we are granted shall only restrict us to specific area of your account/website for specific purpose of working on the website.
Setting up an account
If you do not already have account with the platform that you are looking to migrate to, we shall guide you to create an account with the right subscription plan best suited for your website needs.
Send Your Contents
In situations where you need to send us contents such as images, videos, files, etc. we shall setup a Google Drive folder for the project and grant you access to the folder.
With the project folder, you are able to simply drag and drop or click to upload those contents (images, videos, files, etc.) into that folder and we will have instant access to them. Working with Google Drive project folder is similar to how you use WhatsApp, or Instagram, or Facebook, or Viber, etc. to share files with specific people.
Alternatively, if you already have your own Google Drive folder with your contents and files prepared for us, we shall guide you on how to easily grant us access to the folder(s).
Work begins
While working on the website, we continuously share our progress with you. You are able to revise the work done and give your comments/thoughts on needed changes.
We shall make such changes and present the website again for follow up revision until you are satisfied before moving onto the next task.
The project shall be marked completed once all the project scopes have been reached.
Upon completion, our designer shall provide you with guides on how to edit/update the pages very easily (if you need one) and also remind you to reach out anytime for support.
Typical Service Delivery Process
Click the button below to see a diagram that shows our typical step-by-step service delivery process, including interaction with clients.