Change Header Background Color

Change background color of header

  • Service #:
  • WXP-109247
30 Minutes

A service to change the background color of a Weebly website header to any color of choice.

  • Preferred background color can be a solid color or color gradient.
  • Header contents colors (such as texts color) are also changed to ensure visibility.

This is a great way to have a website that represents your business brand by using colors that people can quickly recognize and easily associate with your business.

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  • Payment made only after discussing your needs
  • Pay only once for the service you need – no recurring payments
  • Service delivered within 72 hours or less

Featured Review

Just what we wanted. Thanks!

Service Details
The Issue

The website header as seen in the “before” examples below doesn’t have a content section above it.

The client requested that we create a drag and drop content section above the header to be used advertisement (ad).

What We Did

We edited the theme source code and created the content section. They are now able drag and drop any Weebly element to add any type of content to that area.

Compare Before & After

Change background color of header