Cost & Pricing Templates

How much does it cost to migrate a website from Weebly to another platform?

The cost of our Weebly migration service depends on a number of factors. Click here to learn more about our pricing and payment information.

Website Only

Pricing template for service or informational websites.

3 pages or less

9 pages or less

17 pages or less

25 pages or less

Included In All Packages Are:



Custom theme

Professional design

Modern design

Help with images

Social profile links

Contact Form

Mobile responsive

Basic SEO

Revisions and changes

Connect domain


Pricing template for e-commerce websites.

3 pages or less

Up to 10 products

9 pages or less

Up to 15 products

17 pages or less

16-25 products

25 pages or less

26-35 products

Included In All Packages Are:



Custom theme

Professional design

Modern design

Help with images

Social profile links

Contact Form

Mobile responsive

Basic SEO

Revisions and changes

Connect domain